So I have been tasked to create prototypes for the characters and enemies, both models and animations. The best way I thought to create these was to at first break down the animations that would be required for the models, I broke them down as the following; 1. Walking, 2. Attack State, 3. Death, and 4. Rest State. This provides me with a clear end goal, achievable targets. For the character prototype, I am using an edited model of a dwarf (Here's the original model below):
For the enemy prototype, I was asked to do the spider enemy type, but due to crippling arachnophobia and an aversion to typing anything like "giant spider" into Google, I decided it would be best for me to do the Orc enemy type. For these models also I have a text document of links to the websites where I acquired them, just for reference.
Also, apologies for being behind schedule a bit, as I'm sick with the tail-end of the flu, and a throat and chest infection and it's only getting worse again.
Soon to come, further post(s) about these prototypes, and audio design!